2024 Scottish Arts Scholarship Application Form

    Please follow these instructions:

    • Complete the application for admission and this Scottish Arts Scholarship Application Form.
    • Submit ONE or TWO letters of recommendation (teachers / instructors in the respective field).
    • Attend the audition weekend held on-campus in Scheide Music Center. It is highly recommended that students attend the on-campus audition weekend February 10, 2024
    Applicants who complete all necessary application materials by the January15 deadline, and attend the February 10 audition weekend, will receive notification by April 1, 2024.

    Letters of recommendation in Word or PDF format may be attached to the scholarship form at the time of submission or may be sent separately via email to mpuster@wooster.edu.

    Questions & Concerns?  Please contact Melissa Puster, mpuster@wooster.edu.

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.